American Dad! is an American animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Smiths, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Stan and Francine and their children, budding adolescent Steve and new-age hippie Hayley. Other main characters include Hayley's stoner husband Jeff Fischer; the family's pet, Klaus, a man in a fish's body; and Roger, an alien who Stan has rescued from government capture and harbors in the family's attic. The show is set in the fictional town of Langley Falls, Virginia in the Washington, D.C. metro area, which is a gesture of parody of the actual town of Langley, Virginia, home to the headquarters of the CIA. Unlike its sister show Family Guy, American Dad! does not use cutaway gags, but rather focuses more on situational humor and non sequiturs. Since its debut on February 6, 2005, the show has broadcast 136 episodes and began airing season 8 on September 30, 2012.[1] American Dad! has been nominated for awards, most prominently two Primetime Emmy Awards and two Annie Awards.[2] American Dad! has also received mixed reviews, mirroring the reception of Family Guy, and has been criticized by watchdog groups such as the Parents Television Council.[3] It holds a TV-14 rating for suggestive dialogue (D), offensive language (L), moderate to strong sexual content (S), and graphic violence (V).
9.023集全林-曼努尔·米兰达 贝克·班尼特 凯特·米库奇 鲍比·莫尼汉 丹尼·朴迪 本·施瓦茨 大卫·田纳特 托尼·安塞尔莫 Toks Olagundoye 十年冷战后,Scrooge McDuck 被找来照顾三个侄子 Huey,Dewey 和 Louie 时,再次与他疏远的侄子 Donald Duck 团聚。新来者重新激发了 Scrooge 的冒险意
新唐老鸭俱乐部第一季欧美动漫已完结Don Brown 加里·切克 Ted Cole 马克·海德斯 Tracy Eisner 安东尼·荷兰 Campbell Lane 史葛·麦克尼尔 Doug Parker 阿尔文·桑德斯 维努斯·特雷佐 Michael Donovan 希曼在宇宙与星球间开始了他的新冒险。希曼依靠他那把万能的宝剑并驾驶飞船,与队友同邪恶的“垃圾人”战斗,一次次的挫败了“垃圾人”的阴谋。相比《宇宙的巨人希曼》,《希曼的新冒险》更加现代。不但希曼的造
鼠来宝第一季欧美动漫8.0已完结Asia Bryant Sara Ford 丹妮埃拉·布鲁克斯 Aria Capria Camden Coley 初中生卡尔玛擅长创造歌词,她结合说唱韵律,利用天赋、壮志和爱心解决各种问题
洛克人:全面充能第一季国语欧美动漫7.0已完结帕特·弗雷利 埃德·吉尔伯特 苏珊·布卢 查尔斯·阿德勒 艾伦·欧朋海默 位处宇宙深处的新德克萨斯行星上,盛产一种稀有而珍贵的水晶,因而引得来自宇宙各地的外星人寻宝挖掘。这些开采者性格各异,有好有坏,其中名为Tex-Hex的家伙则为坏蛋中的翘楚,为了得到水晶他无所不用其
布雷斯塔警长欧美动漫已完结杰夫·贝内特 史蒂夫·布卢姆 莱瓦尔·伯顿 擎天柱,热浪,巨石,追踪和刀锋相继通过扫描获得了恐龙形态,在一次次救援行动中逐渐学会了控制并使用这种新的形态。同时在这一季中,擎天柱把老战友海潮请来,对救援汽车人进行海上救援的训练。之后不久,又有